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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Sieve 1/19/10

Here is good info regarding missions from THE GOSPEL COALITION. Here is a taste of the article:

They should also cause us to consider the sacrifice that will be necessary to reach Muslim countries with the gospel. Muslim nations have the fewest Christians and the most persecution.  For example, eight out of the top ten countries on Open Doors’ World Watch List are Muslim nations.
The kind of Christian who gets offended when a clerk at Target says “happy holidays” rather than “merry Christmas” when checking out, probably won’t consider moving to a city where Christians are gunned down on Christmas Eve or shot at a wedding. Yet that is exactly what needs to happen.
Read the rest here:

Doing Missions When Dying Is a Distinct Possibility

The general public will be marching with the Silent No More Awareness Campaign today. This march for awareness...It's estimated that 25,000 woman each year have an abortion in Washington State!

Read the rest here:

Silent No More Set to March

Thank GOD for the home school movement...it's literally the salvation to redeeming education for our children. Sorry for those of you who are public school teachers you are fighting against all odds to educate children. You won't get my child!

Read this regarding head start program:

Head Start: A $150 Billion Failure

Also Obama's RACE TO THE TOP program! Major tax money in the form of grants for those states willing to make major change to their school systems. 30 states will sell their souls to this program. Texas, the largest opponent to the program, turns down millions of dollars to keep the feds from mucking around with their curriculum. I can hear the country song in my head right now...God bless Texas with his own hand!

Read this from the Washington Post:

Obama to seek $1.35 billion more for Race to the Top program

Read this from THE FOUNDARY:

Why Texas Skipped the “Race to the Top”

Today's a big news day include the race for the Massachusetts Senate seat. This could lead to the destruction of the filibuster proof majority the democrats enjoy at this moment. This definitely could throw a monkey wrench in the health care situation for the demon-crats. 

Read this from the Associated Press via Yahoo News:

Coakley, Brown cast votes in closely-watched race

From Ortlund Jr. Blog...A tribute to Richard Baxter via J.I. Packer. Very short and good!

Read here: 

He made Christianity attractive

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