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Friday, January 15, 2010

Sanctity of Life...Do You Know What You're Up Against? Do You Care? Part 2

One of my favorite organizations I use to keep up on the current abortion propaganda is The National Abortion Federation, headed up by it's President and CEO Vicki Saporta. Her blog the "Saporta Report" is especially useful. There organization promotes newsletters, publications, and research regarding public policy and education under the guise of reproductive health. It's membership includes individuals, cooperative organizations that don't provide abortion services, providers that do, and international individuals. The banner in which they unite is this:  
The National Abortion Federation (NAF) is the professional association of abortion providers in the United States and Canada. We believe that women should be trusted to make private medical decisions in consultation with their health care providers. NAF currently offers quality training and services to abortion providers and unbiased information and referral services to women.
The current campaign is the memorializing of their hero/martyr Dr. George Tiller. Dr. Tiller, the poster boy of NAF, was killed by Scott Roeder a professing Christian this last year. This ignited outrage across the federation and fueled the relentless barrage of protest against pro-lifer's, Christians, and Crisis Pregnancy Organizations. The most recent part of the blog campaign is what is called Wednesday's Words from Woman which are posts by woman who have had abortions. The NAF's Saporta Report explains the posts as follows:
Over one-third of women of reproductive age have an abortion by the age of 45. However, women who have chosen abortion are often absent from the public debate. In order to break the silence surrounding abortion, we will be featuring real stories from real women each Wednesday on our blog. If you would like to share your story with us or have it published on our blog, go to http://www.prochoice.org/pregnant/hotline/share.html. 
I'll share some of the post by categories I've put together. 
When I was 22 years old, I was in an abusive relationship and already had a two-year-old daughter. I was working two jobs just to make ends meet without help from my parents, when I found out I was pregnant again. I had taken precautions and was on the birth control pill at the time. When I went to my boyfriend and told him, his reaction was not a positive one. His family was very anti-choice and knew I could not go to them for help. My mother and grandparents gave me the money to terminate my pregnancy; I knew if I did not, I was never going to be able to get out of the current relationship that I was in. After that, I was able to return to college, where I finished my nursing degree. I became a nurse, went to work at the same clinic that had helped me, and was able to help many other women in my same situation.

The reasons are many that each woman decides to end a pregnancy; for myself the list is quite long. I have lupus and am a single 43-year-old woman with three children at home and an adult child. My hands are full with the challenges of what I am responsible for right now and would be made increasingly worse with another child, no partner, and no support to raise a child. It's a hard and difficult choice to make, and for me the choice took a long time to make as it's not easy to do.

I am already a struggling single mother of three children: four, seven, and soon to be one year old. This pregnancy was the result of a rape. It was not my intention to ever put myself in a position like this. I thought long and hard about what I was going to do about this pregnancy. I decided to have an abortion because I couldn’t see myself keeping this baby, but I also could not see myself giving the baby away and constantly wondering if I did the right thing and if it was being treated well.

I was raped while serving in the Army in Iraq. My rapist is in jail. I am engaged and will be married in two months. Thanks to your organization, I won’t have to start my new life raising a criminal’s child.

At 18, a student at the University of Chicago, I became pregnant. In that year, 1959, one had no option other than to bear the child or, alarmingly, have an illegal abortion. Having no means of support or family to sustain me, I was forced to choose the latter. I wish I could convey the chilling fear I felt. Having a back-alley abortion was a horrific experience, which I would not wish upon anybody. Luckily, I was not permanently injured physically and was able to have two children when the circumstances were right.I don't think today's young women have the foggiest idea of how vital it is that they have legal recourse to abortion if they wish. Perhaps my story will help enlighten them.

I've always felt the answer to the so-called Right to Lifers is very simple: if they make abortion illegal again, the very same number of women will continue having them, only many, many more deaths and permanent injury will result. It will change nothing to illegalize the procedure except to endanger thousands of lives.

My family and I were going through a very difficult situation. We recently found out my daughter’s pregnancy had several severe and painful birth defects. We were referred to a clinic in Nebraska because the procedure could not be done in South Dakota. We felt this was just another blow. We would have to travel to an unfamiliar place with a doctor and nurses we did not know. Not to mention the financial aspect of it. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise. When we met the clinic staff everything changed for us. I have never met more caring and compassionate people in my life. The doctor and his whole staff showed us so much compassion and empathy. He was able to make my daughter feel better and give her a sense of peace. They are truly angels that work among us. Thank you.

In my hometown there is a women's crisis center. They say they give you clear, honest, and upfront information about all your options. I took my 19-year-old niece there to help her make the best choice for herself. I was horrified by the woman in charge. She told my niece that if you have an abortion they put razor blades inside you then suction the fetus out and place it on a tray to determine how far along you were. I had heard enough. I told my niece we needed to get out of there. The woman asked why and said she wanted to tell my niece about adoption. I told her that she had just lied to us once and I wasn’t going to sit there and listen to any more. I told her that I had an abortion and have since had children, and that the procedure was nothing like she was telling my niece. The worker then told me that my children were at higher risk for mental and emotional disabilities. Have you ever heard such insane comments?

My niece made her decision when she got the real facts on all her options from the NAF Hotline. I thank NAF for providing her with this information. There are so many young women with nowhere to turn for REAL non judgmental help, and then you have these sick twisted people scaring them. And many are government funded. It’s sick how they scare young women. I can’t believe it’s legal to be so ignorant.

When I was in my freshman year of college, I got pregnant even though I was on the "pill." I was so scared because I had plans for myself. I needed to finish school and get a good job and establish my life before I brought another one into this world. I wanted to have kids one day but I wanted to be able to give them everything they wanted. I didn't want to have my children, the people I would come to care for and love more than anything in the world, suffer for a mistake I made. I decided to get an abortion, and I had to travel 50 miles to the nearest clinic. Afterward I felt very relieved and went on to finish my freshman year with a 4.0. Now, 3 years later I have a beautiful one-year-old daughter who has everything she'll ever need because I was ready. I'm extremely grateful that I had the choice to wait so that my daughter may have a better life. Thank You.

I just want to say thank you and God Bless you to those who donate to this cause. This decision was hard to make; I am a single mom of three kids who just graduated. I really need to take care of the children I have and could not if I were to go through with this pregnancy. Thank you for allowing me to pursue my dreams of taking care of the children I have.

I’m currently enrolled in Nursing School. I’ve come a long way and when I found out that I was pregnant, I was very scared but knew what I had to do in order to provide for myself and my family in the future. I’m grateful that I have this option and I’d like to thank the clinic for their utmost respect and professionalism.

I became pregnant while on birth control and that is what brought me to this decision. I am a full-time nursing student and want to fulfill my career goals. I am grateful for the freedom to make my own choices.

If it weren’t for the clinic, I probably wouldn’t be here at all. My life was going down the tubes, and then I found out I was pregnant. If I hadn’t had the choice to terminate this pregnancy, I would have made the choice to end my life. In no way was I ready to give a baby a fulfilling, happy life, and having a baby would have ruined mine. Thank you to the clinic and NAF for all of your help getting my life turned around!

I will say that without the clinic, I am not sure what I would have done. The medical society out there, where I live, isn't very helpful and wasn't giving me the answers I needed. I needed to take care of myself and to be my own advocate. I would encourage every woman to be their own advocate and to do what is best for themselves, whether that is having a baby or terminating the pregnancy, it's our life that we have to live and we are responsible, not the doctors, nurses, neighbors, friends, etc.

I am a single college student who is trying to break the cycle of having children young in my family. I heard about your Hotline from my very helpful counselor. You helped me out a great deal. So thank you very much for helping me access the abortion care I needed.

I am 17 years old, married to an amazing guy, and I chose to have an abortion. I chose to have an abortion because, while children are wonderful, I hope to be able to give my children more than I could dream of now. I plan to go to college, get a degree and hopefully open my own business. I want to be able to go to a career day at my child’s school, be proud of what I’ve done with my life, and be able to go to sleep at night not worried about how I’m going to pay a hospital bill from when I was 17. Children deserve the best things in life. They truly are our future. My baby would deserve too many things that I can’t provide right now, including all the love in the world. Someday I will be a mom, and I believe I will be an amazing parent when the time is right.

Having an abortion at a NAF member clinic has granted me a second chance. It has also given me back my choice; I’ve been allowed to make my own decision. I am pro-choice, pro-family, and pro-faith, and I trust this clinic.

I grew up in an anti-choice household, but ever since I was able to truly think through the issue, have been pro-choice. But like many beliefs, for most of my life it went untested. Then, last spring, I became pregnant and came face-to-face with my belief that women have the right to their own body, including the right to an abortion. I was 29, had a master's degree, was employed full-time and had a supportive network of friends and family. By some standards I had everything necessary to adequately take care of a child. But I wasn't ready. I had just ended an unhealthy relationship; I didn't want to be pregnant. I didn't want to have a child. It was and always will be my body. I made a choice that was best for me. My body, my choice, and thankfully still my legal right.

Of all the myths about abortion, the ones that anger me the most are about the women who have them. We are portrayed as promiscuous, unintelligent, selfish, weak or child-hating. Those who oppose abortion would like people to believe that women either can't make a good choice or don't even deserve one. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Sorry, I don't mean to make these post lighthearted and full of humor. They are meant to display the irony, ignorance, and emotion that plagues these ordinary women pulled into the pro-choice type movements. These are a few post of hundreds that have been chosen to be posted on the Saporta Report. I'm sure there are thousands not considered to be put on the Wednesday's Words For Woman. These are you neighbors, your children's teachers, coworkers, fellow business men and women, and maybe in some of your church's.  

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