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Monday, December 7, 2009

The Sieve 12/7/09

Here is an interesting series of discussions between a few credible blogs regarding Senior Pastor's vs. Plurality of Elders.

Should churches have a “senior” or “lead” pastor?
Dave Harvey on the "The Principle of the Presiding Elder"
Can Someone Who is 29 Years Old Be a "Senior" Pastor
I want to get a few stories some more attention. There are two things our government is putting it's time into currently. The first is climate change and the second is heath care. I will link to a story from the Heritage Foundation regarding climate change. I won't comment on it too much because it is so ridiculous and costly that it makes me smokin mad! But, there are two more stories that can't be ignored. Today and tomorrow the senate will be discussing and important part of the health care bill and that is whether abortion will be covered! What...you heard me. So I will break it down simply: Behind closed doors in a democrat caucus the democrats, in full power, will be voting on an amendment to include or not include coverage for abortions in the bill. Therefore if it is included and the heath care bill passes you will be required by law to have health care by the government or go to jail. What this means in the end is, whether by your tax dollars or some other form, you will support abortion or go to jail.

Article Links:
Washington Post Obama presses Democrats on health-care bill
Wall Street Journal Abortion Emerges as Top Bill Threat
The Foundry The Copenhagen Climate Comedy

Let us pray that our government will repent for their folly and do something constructive.
Here is a good article by Dr. Mohler.

NewsNote: When “Gracious Restraint” Fails — The Real Anglican Tragedy
I have two today one from Timothy Keller via Reformation 21 blog and one from Ray Ortlund and quotes from The Lord From Heaven, pages 11-12.

Marital Conflict
The latest issue of New York has a generally positive article on Redeemer Presbyterian Church's Tim Keller and his ministry to New York City. The article includes this gem of a quotation from Dr. Keller, which echoes the whole stream of biblical teaching on spiritual adultery: "God is in the longest bad marriage in history."

Truly, truly, he said to us
“The rabbis spoke from authority, Jesus with authority. . . . ‘Thus says the Lord’ is typical of the Old Testament, but Jesus’ characteristic expression is ‘Truly, truly, I say to you.’ The difference is significant. Jesus appealed to no other authority as He spoke to men of the deep things of God.”

Leon Morris, The Lord from Heaven, pages 11-12, italics his.

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