ArborWorx is a tree service with two branches (no pun intended): a residential tree service and a fuel reduction/defensible space service. It's good hard work...some of the hardest, dangerous, and most challenging work a man could do. It's right up a young man's alley, not for the faint of heart or stomach.
The residential portion of the business consists of many things but the most technical is the felling of trees in close proximity of structures. I do all climbing and rigging...which means I limb as I climb the tree, top it, and then finally fell it in small to medium
chunks as I come down (and yes it's "fell" not "fall"). This will be a fun and intense part of the job as A.W. grows up. I plan to start him on his 9th birthday(kidding)! or am I!

The fuel red
uction/defensible space part of the job is usually done as part of a government contract to reduce the fuel load next to residential areas as an attempt to slow or stop the spreading o
f wildland fires.
It's our job to break up the continuity of fuels, both laterally and horizontally. This includes the felling, skidding, chipping, and burning of trees and brush in a 100 to 200 foot swath next to subdivisions and other residential areas. Sounds like fun!
All in all the business is not a predetermined career path we have obli
gated him to follow, but a tool in our repertoire to show him that we are serious about fulfilling the great commission life style, specifically when engaging the work place. May Christ be glorified in ArborWorx and in the men of our family that endeavour to grow it.